Ortozes, kas aptver plaukstas locītavu un īkšķi un/vai citus pirkstus.
Tāpat kā citas plaukstas ortozes iedalās mīkstās, puscietās un cietās ortozes atkarībā no materiāla un līdz ar to arī mērķa, kādam ortoze paredzēta.
Lielākā daļa no šajā sadaļā atrodamām ortozēm stabilizē plaukstas un īkšķa locītavas vai galvenokārt īkšķa locītavas.
Šajā sadaļā īpaši būtu izdalāmas ortozes, kas paredzētas īkšķim – bieži sastopamam īkšķa artrītam. Šīs ortozes neierobežo vai minimāli ierobežo kustības plaukstas locītavā, bet stabilizē un mazina slodzi uz īkšķa pamatnes locītavu.
Pie īkšķa cīpslu vai locītavu iekaisuma, lūzumu gadījumos nepieciešamas plaukstas un īkšķa locītavas ortozes, kas ierobežo un fiksē gan plaukstas locītavu, gan īkšķi. Parasti puscietās vai cietās ortozes.

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Soft Thumb Splint, Short (112710)

With integrated, anatomically pre-moulded splint for partial immobilisation of the thumb joint.
€ 28.85 incl tax

Soft Thumb Splint, Long (112720)

With integrated, anatomically pre-moulded splint for partial immobilisation of the thumb saddle and metacarpophalangeal joints. Medium long.
€ 34.60 incl tax

SOFT Thumb Splint, Plus (112780)

Integrated, anatomically pre-moulded splint for partial immobilisation of the thumb saddle, metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. Long.
€ 34.52 incl tax

Manex Rheuma CMC (MR2027)

Wrist brace with good support over the thenar eminence.
€ 51.93 incl tax

Manex Basic Pollus (EU2012)

This model has been designed to provide a light support over the thenar eminence by additional material over the thumb opening.
€ 25.76 incl tax

ManuZip Dorsal (112320)

Wrist orthosis with dorsal aluminium splint for individual adjustment and with zip fastener up to thumb.
€ 32.09 incl tax

Select ManuZip Volar (112220)

Wrist support with compression support for controlled mobility.
€ 30.74 incl tax

Ganglion Support (112820)

Volar aluminium splint for individual adjustment with zip fastener up to thumb.
€ 30.64 incl tax

Manex Rheuma pollus (EU2022)

Wrist orthosis with a thumb piece to provide additional stability to the CMC joint of the thumb.
€ 40.51 incl tax

Manex Rheuma pollus (EU2025)

Wrist orthosis with a thumb piece to provide additional stability to the CMC joint of the thumb.
€ 41.09 incl tax